A Tragic Tale of Resentment and a Lesson for All

Let go of resentment.

Don't resent others. It is resentment that does you more harm than what anyone can do to you. If you bear trials and tribulations with poise and don't hate others you will be safe. We all know of people who lived through the most horrendous circumstances, but did not resent (or if they did--they gave up the resentment) who became better and emerged strong.

Perhaps now you can realize that secret of forgiveness is in letting go of resentment.

Maybe this will help. Those who used you or who failed you were themselves victims. Someone did it to them. Even as you scream at your kids, just as your parent screamed at you. You don't want to - but something compels you to be cruel. Know now that the root of your aberrant and confusing behavior is resentment. You resented your parent and now, unless you find the way to let it go, you are now doing to others what was done to you.  

Don't use others. If you find yourself using another - disarm yourself by admitting it openly to them and apologizing.

Be patient with others. Be patient with your kids. Don't do to them what was done to you. Let the buck stop with you. It begins with reading these words and accepting them with joy. It begins with letting go of grudges.

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