Can I Reconcile With . . . . . Answers in New Marriage Book by Roland Trujillo PhD

Editor's note: this is just part of one chapter in Roland's book: The Myths and Mysteries of Marriage. Now in ebook.

The short answer is yes, but. . . .

The somewhat longer answer: Maybe and maybe not. There are many factors involved, as well as complications. The other side may not want to. Especially if you were not a very good husband, wife, or parent.

Perhaps things were going south, but you were too busy or a little naive. You didn't see what was happening until a crisis hit--such as she filed for divorce, he found someone else, or a child ran away from home.

This article is about some sort of falling away due to issues; but there are cases where it wasn't your fault at all. For example, a young couple gets married and right away the war intervenes. Thousands of miles apart, things can change, especially today with all the influences on people.

But usually people are interested in this topic if the separation was the result of hurt feelings, arguments, and misunderstandings. Most of the time both sides must shoulder some of the responsibility. Thinking back, we realize that we could have been more understanding, less selfish, and a lot less resentful.

Now we are ready to be a good mom, dad, husband or wife, but is it possible to reconcile? . . . . . . Read more in Roland's new 315 page marriage and relationship book.


Hello, my na
me is Roland and I am a pastor. I've been on the radio for almost 22 years, both secular stations and Christian stations around the country.

I get a lot of questions about relationships and marriage--probably most of the questions I get. A couple of years ago I wrote a book about marriage. It was excellent, but I wanted to take it to the next level.

I think that The Myths and Mysteries of Marriage really does fulfill my expectations. I wanted a book that is about marriage, and even though I am conservative and traditional, I wanted the book to be inclusive. And it is.

People who ar
e in long term or short term relationships will enjoy and benefit from my book. I talk about some of the deep aspects of marriage, and I can explain why so many relationships have issues.

I also wanted at talk about dating and courtship (there is a difference), and why I favor courtship.

I wanted a book for ladies who are working on their relationship. But I also wanted it to be a book that men, especially thoughtful men who want to be good husbands and fathers, will feel comfortable with.

I wanted a bo
ok that is serious--a serious book about a serious and important topic. But I also wanted it to be fun--a good read--and even funny in parts.

Finally I wanted to write a book that can be read again and again. Each time getting some new insight. Or a book that a young man or lady who is just married, and issues develop, can reach for and turn to the chapter on the issue, and get some insights and solutions.

I believe that this is the book.

Your friend, Pastor Roland

Product Description

Why do couples argue? How can we put the sparkle back in our marriage? How can we communicate better? I’m a Christian but my boyfriend is not. What is the difference between courtship and casual dating? My wife asked me to leave. Why are men the way we are? What does my wife want? Can we reconcile? How about sex? My wife cheated on me –now what? Based on over 20 years of counseling couples and answering questions on the radio, this is the courtship, marriage and relationship repair handbook you have been waiting for. Roland tackles the tough questions with humor, discernment, and refreshing honesty. From the Garden of Eden to the 21st century, he’s got relationships covered.

About the Author

Roland Trujillo, lecturer, marriage coach, author, radio host, husband and dad, introduces his new comprehensive look at the delights, the challenges and the mysteries of marriage. For over 20 years, Roland has been helping couples repair their relationships and move forward to optimal living. Roland is now bringing his insights, based in compassion and spiritual principles, to a new level in this unique look at the peril
s, pitfalls, and promises of relationships.
Product Details

Paperback: 318 pages
ISBN-10: 1463663706
ISBN-13: 978-1463663704Here it is. The book you have been waiting for.

Written by Pas
tor Roland and based on 20 years of counseling and coaching couples

Here are just some of the topics discussed

The Dating an
d Mating Game Is Not a Game
“A Rose by Any Other Name is Still a Rose”
Why I Decided to Become a Pastor
Where to Find Real Solutions to your Relationship Woes
Why Couples Argue
Myths of Marriage
Sex in Marriage – The Shocking Truth
How to Forgiv
e and Forget
How to Apologize and Clear the Air with Dignity
Just How Important is Dad?
Marriage Counseling for Men
Can I Reconcile with My Husband, Wife, or Child?
Is Food Your Secret Lover and Enabler?
Dealing with Hard Times
Adam & Eve: Th
e First Dysfunctional Family
My Husband is Annoying
My Wife Asked Me to Move Out –What Should I
Advice to Divorced Moms
My Wife Cheated on Me – Now What?
Finding the Best Marriage Advice – Trust Your
God Given Instin
The Strong Family—Ten Lessons in Faithfulness

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